We specialize in running PPC campaigns for e-commerce. It doesn't matter if PPC is a new venture for you or if you've already replaced 5 administrators and you're fed up with amatour approaches to help - we're your last stop .
We work best with your cooperation.. We will help you identify unprofitable campaign ideas or site errors that are effecting your conversion rate. We work best when our clients provide accurate margin and gross profit information so we can expedite your success. When it’s all said and done, you can compare 3 numbers (profit, credit costs and agency costs) and immediately see how much we have helped you grow.
We will set up accounts, set up tracking and, most importantly, verify that everything is being measured correctly. After that, we will dive into the campaigns themselves. We will set them in such order that will help to achieve the set goals and, above all, will provide data for optimization.
We optimize the campaigns to bring us the previously set goal and surpass it. Every penny spent counts - even if it earns nothing, it will provide valuable data. In EU we also use CSS partners to help us drive the results.
After securing stable earnings from the campaigns, we will start working on acquiring new customers. We will add captured retention (emailing). We will start acquisition and help you expand to other markets - UK, US, PL, RO, FR and more.
And we manage to earn a living, because we understand that PPC campaigns need to earn you money. That is why we will tell you in time: